
All the Pages are My Days is the occasional journal of Mike Rodriquez. For the past few years I’ve been writing about technology, politics and travel, with a number of recipes and photo essays posted as well.

The site is searchable and there are both category and monthly archives available, so have a look around.

All the Pages is powered by drupal wordpress and hosted at pair.com.

You can send me a note via email: attics at mike-sheryl dot com. Of course, leaving comments on the various articles I’ve written is highly encouraged!

More about me

I’m in my early 50’s, a father and grandfather; still in love and happily married to Sheryl since 1974. We’re originally from Lindsborg, Kansas and lived in the SF Bay area from 1978 to 2004.

Prior to that we lived in Auburn, Washington for part of 1974-75. We still have some family up there, though virtually all of our extended family lives in central Kansas, including Salina, Lindsborg, McPherson and Wichita.

In 2004 Sheryl and I bought a lovely house in Lindsborg, I’ve made arrangements to telecommute to my job, and so we’ve moved back to Lindsborg.

I’ve worked in the high-tech industry my whole career, starting at GTE Lenkurt in San Carlos. My first real computer experiences were gained on this job. I used HP 9825, 9835 and 9845 instrument controllers and had exposure to a DEC PDP-8.

I started using unix (bsd 4.1) in 1984, and also got my first email account (using mm under TOPS-20) in July of that year. Since then I’ve held a number of systems related positions, including wearing of the host, post and webmaster hats at various times.

I currently develop and manage a variety of web-based collaboration systems in support of the research activities at HP Labs.

BTW, the views represented on this site are solely my own and in no way represent the views of my employer.

In the spirit of interoperability, the site validates against the W3C xhtml standards. An XML feed is provided as well, for those wishing to track the site using a news aggregator.