October Oil Painting


I spent most of the day in front of my palette and easel, and created a number of oil paintings.

I started doing a color chart, in order to have a sense of how the different colors on my palette blended together.

Before I finished, but after I ran out of room on the palette, I switched to working on a couple of paintings I had tried before.

I’m not unhappy with the results, but do need to learn to tone down my colors. I mean, I like bright colors, but these aren’t really what I have in mind.

After I finished those two paintings, I decided to use the dregs on my palette on whatever crossed my mind.

I had a canvas sheet that I had previously (apparently!) cleaned a brush on; it was completely covered in a light plum color!

I started with a palm tree over that and ended up with something I rather like: it’s called Java.

I used up the dregs of the dregs on some figure studies. Those were fun; I’ll do more!

Color chart in progress
Color chart in progress
Color chart
Color chart
Cozy painting studio
Cozy painting studio
Sunset on the beach
Sunset on the beach
Palms at night
Palms at night
Figure studies
Figure studies

1 thought on “October Oil Painting”

  1. Very nice, Mike. Your studio seems relaxing and I imagine above all with a “Do Not Disturb, Artist at Work” atmosphere . I have no talent for painting except for loving Art.
    So, very much admiration and best wishes for your work. ????

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